Collection: How to use Palo Santo?

Many of our customers have been asking us how to use Palo Santo. Thus, we make this video to demonstrate:

How to use Palo Santo powder?
How to use Palo Santo essential oil?


How to use Palo Santo stick?

Get ready a lighter! We suggest using a wind-proof lighter.

For a new Palo Santo stick, it takes about 15sec to burn.


Palo Santo

 Let the fire stay for another 15secs before blowing off.

 Palo Santo

Allow the smoke of the burning Palo Santo to touch all sides of the crystal.

When a crystal is having negative energy, it will seem like attracting the Palo Santo smoke like this. The smoke will move slowly, as if the crystal is absorbing it.

For the best demonstration, we search our whole shop to find a forgotten crystal that needs serious cleansing. Please don’t wait until your crystals ended up in this state, it is harder to cleanse fully. Keeping negativity within our crystals might cause permanent damage, and it is also not good for us.

Palo Santo

As the crystal is more purified, the smoke will pass by it faster. 

Palo Santo

After it reaches a consistent speed, the crystal is now happy and clean!

Palo Santo

Palo Santo stick will extinguish by itself after some time. A lighter will turn hot after long period of repetitive usage. You may consider using a candle instead if you are going to do prolong cleansing such as moving around for space cleansing.

Palo Santo

When the Palo Santo stick becomes too short, consider use a pin.

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How to use Palo Santo powder?

Prepare a ceramic/glass saucer or candle holder or just something that won’t burn to place the Palo Santo powder. You may place/keep a thin layer of ash under the Palo Santo powder to enhance the burning process.

Palo Santo

As Palo Santo powder burn faster, create more smoke and give out a stronger scent, we suggest first time user to try out a small portion first. To slow down the speed of burning, you may spread the powder thinner and place them in a line instead of round shape.

Palo Santo

Use a wind-proof lighter or stove lighter to prevent burning our fingers while lighting the Palo Santo powder.

Upon the appearance of some burning red dots (2-3mm), the powder is successfully lit up, and will burn continuously. (Do make sure the burning powder is not near any flammable items. Keep away from kids and pets while unattended.)

 Palo Santo

Palo Santo powder is most convenient for cleansing large amount of crystals at once, space cleansing, and during mediation.

How to tell if my crystal is cleansed?

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How to use Palo Santo essential oil?

Cleansing Crystals

Palo Santo

Mix a few drops of the Palo Santo essential oil with water inside a spray bottle.

Palo Santo

Shake the bottle, spray and spread the mixture onto our crystals. Allow the mixture to stay in contact and let it dry by itself. Done!

Do note that certain crystals should not be in contact with water, such as Selenite and Pyrite. Use Palo Santo stick or powder instead.

For crystals that has not been cleanse over long period of time, you may use a more concentrated version or apply the Palo Santo essential oil directly.

Pure Palo Santo oil could be too strong for crystals like Rhodocrosite, Malachite and etc. Diluted version is preferable. For Quartz, Agate, Chalcedony, Beryl, Jasper and Jade family, Palo Santo Oil can be applied directly.

Aura/Space Cleansing

The same Palo Santo essential oil mixture can be use to spray above our head for aura cleansing, or spray around for space cleansing.

For consistent space cleansing, add 2 drops of essential oil into 1-1.5 litre of water and use with an air humidifier. You may try out the ratio of your own preference too.

Palo Santo essential oil can also be use with oil burner and oil diffuser.

Pain Relieve and clearing chakra/body blockage

When our body is aching, there is energy blockage at there area. Being a strong energy purifier, applying Palo Santo essential oil help to neutralize those negative energy blockages. Same for our heart chakra, applying Palo Santo oil directly onto our chest helps to purify those negative emotion/energy such as anxiety, frustration and etc., and replacing with positive uplifting energy.

As mentioned, pure Palo Santo essential oil is pretty strong. Please test by tapping a little bit onto your skin before applying widely. Or you may dilute Palo Santo oil with base oil in ratio of 1:3 or more.

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