How We Handle Our Crystals?

Crystals are reactive to their surrounding energies. Besides emitting their unique energies, they will also absorb energies from their surroundings.

After being mined, the crystals have been through many hands and different places, such as miners, factories for polishing, workers, warehouses, etc.. And they will more or less pick up some negative energies from these. 

At times when they are too overwhelmed with their surroundings energy, while we humans may close our Heart Chakra to detach, crystals may enter hibernation mode.

Cleansing of Crystal

After we received our new shipment of crystals, depending on their conditions, we might spend up to a week purifying their energies. As most of the time, the negative energy that comes with the crystals cannot be fully cleansed by  Palo Santo alone, we will spend some time cleansing them with healing energy

Our cleansing methods consist of 2 or more of the following:

Activating of Crystals

Crystals can be hibernating or "half asleep", so we will then energise and activate them so that they can be perform to their best potential!

Upon receiving our new shipments, usually they are only 20% to 70% awake. After the cleansing process, we activate the crystals in small batches, or even piece by piece if necessary, to their highest level.

As our motto is to offer the best help we could to our customers, we make extra effort to cleanse them once again, and energise them before shipping them out, so that our customers could have their crystals functioning at their best. This is also the reason why, we sincerely hope that our customers will visit our Crystals Care page and do cleanse their crystals regularly.