What are Chakras?
Originating from the Sanskrit word "wheels" or "discs," chakras refer to the spinning wheels of energy centres that exist within our body. There are major and minor chakras, whereby each of them corresponds to different areas of our well-being; mentally, emotionally and physically.
The Seven Chakras, the most well-known major chakras, are located along the spine of our subtle body. Each chakra corresponds to our specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. And if there are any blockages in the chakras, it can cause issues in the corresponding areas. If there is an issue with one of the chakras, it can have a ripple effect on the other chakras as well.

Crown Chakra
Related Body Areas:
Brain * Nervous System
Associated problems:
Depression * Mental Disorders * Confusion * Dizziness
Psychological Functions
Wisdom * Inspiration * Awareness * Visionary * Enlightenment * Peace
Third Eye Chakra
Related Body Areas:
Ears * Eyes * Lower Head
Associated problems:
Migraine * Visions * Sinus * Nightmares * Sleep Disorder
Psychological Functions
Intuition * Invention * Psychic Abilities * Self Realization * Perception * Release * Understanding * Memory
Throat Chakra
Related Body Areas:
Throat * Mouth * Neck * Shoulders
Associated problems:
Thyroid * Flu * Fevers * Hyperactivity * Asthma
Psychological Functions
Communication * Trust * Creative Expression * Planning * Calm
Heart Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Related Body Areas:
Digestion * Liver * Stomach * Metabolism * Small Intestines
Associated problems:
Constipation * Diabetes * Colon Disease
Psychological Functions
Will Power * Knowledge * Mental Clarity * Positive * Optimism * Self-Control * Confidence * Logical
Sacral Chakra
Related Body Areas:
Ovaries * Testes * Womb * Kidneys * Bladder * Large Intestine
Associated problems:
Lower Back Pain * Constipation
Psychological Functions
Creativity * Courage * Sexuality * Give Energy * Joy * Patience * Emotional Balance
Base Chakra
Related Body Areas:
Spine * Legs * Feet * Blood Circulation
Associated problems:
Immune System * Lower Back Pain
Psychological Functions
Passion * Survival * Security * Stable * Disorientation * Disorganization * Indecision
Earth Star Chakra